
Clearing Prayer .

     Dear Lord God may your Clearing Spirit        Move through my mind and heart                   For the good of my soul               In the name of and through                              Jesus Christ                         Our Lord - Amen.                                       +

Holy Spirit Cleanse Prayer.

                  .HOLY SPIRIT CLEANSING .   Dear Lord God - the Father and the Son                                and Holy Spirit,  I humbly request of you please Cleanse my          Heart and renew your Life giving                               sustenance in my Soul .           Thankyou so much Lord God              Alleluia alleluia alleluia!  In the name of and through Jesus Christ                       our  Lord _ Amen .                                         +

holy spirit invocation .

HOLY SPIRIT PRAYER O Lord,  God the Holy Spirit ! Please Intercede for me with God Speaking in the unuttered groanings Of my Heart with unbidden lips. That I would become Baptized In your Holy Spirit. Through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen .